INFERNO NEO 3.0 VE Color type 1 Green
INFERNO NEO 3.0 VE Color type 1 Green
Power and acceleration test the bounds of common sense in a buggy that also features nimble control!
Power and acceleration test the bounds of common sense in a buggy that also features nimble control!
<Readyset Contents>
● Factory-assembled chassis complete with control linkages
●Finished body complete with a printed color scheme
●2.4GHz Syncro KT-231P+ transmitter
●1.5、2.0、2.5、3.0mm L shaped hex wrenches
●Cross wrench
●17mm wheel wrench
■Length 496mm
■Width 307mm
■Height 189mm
■Wheelbase 323~328mm
■Tread (F/R) 258mm/261mm
■Tire (F/R) φ115×44mm/φ115×44mm
■Gear Ratio 12.7:1
■Weight 3,550g (approx.)
■Transmitter 2.4GHz Syncro KT-231P+